I am currently working on the IDMP framework, that we open-sourced. It uses Gaussian Processes to model Distance Fields and can be used for planning and other applications. Feel free to check it out!
Here is a rough overview of projects i am working on or worked on.
I am currently working on the IDMP framework, that we open-sourced. It uses Gaussian Processes to model Distance Fields and can be used for planning and other applications. Feel free to check it out!
During my stay in Sydney, i attended the Robotic Vision Summer School. I learnt a lot and was able to talk to great people like Peter Corke.
I am part of the SSL Team Erforce from Erlangen. I have been working on the electronics and firmware, attending several international competitions.
I took part in the Robothon Challenge hosted by the TU Munich twice, winning the first place in 2023.